Package: analogue 0.17-7

analogue: Analogue and Weighted Averaging Methods for Palaeoecology

Fits Modern Analogue Technique and Weighted Averaging transfer function models for prediction of environmental data from species data, and related methods used in palaeoecology.

Authors:Gavin L. Simpson [aut, cre], Jari Oksanen [aut], Martin Maechler [ctb]

analogue.pdf |analogue.html
analogue/json (API)

# Install 'analogue' in R:
install.packages('analogue', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • Biome - North American Modern Pollen Database
  • Climate - North American Modern Pollen Database
  • ImbrieKipp - Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
  • Location - North American Modern Pollen Database
  • Pollen - North American Modern Pollen Database
  • Salinity - Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
  • SumSST - Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
  • V12.122 - Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
  • WinSST - Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
  • abernethy - Abernethy Forest Pollen Sequence
  • rlgh - Round Loch of Glenhead Diatoms
  • swapdiat - SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training set
  • swappH - SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training set
  • tortula - Morphological data for ten taxa of the genus Tortula


8.82 score 14 stars 4 packages 174 scripts 859 downloads 5 mentions 52 exports 12 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:a51548e9b3. Checks:9 OK. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKJan 24 2025
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKJan 24 2025
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKJan 24 2025



Analogue Methods in Palaeoecology

Rendered fromanalogue_methods.Rnwusingutils::Sweaveon Jan 24 2025.

Last update: 2014-05-20
Started: 2014-05-18

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Analogue and weighted averaging methods for palaeoecologyanalogue-package analogue
Abernethy Forest Pollen Sequenceabernethy
Analogue matchinganalog analog.default analog.distance print.analog
Bayes factorsbayesF plot.bayesF print.bayesF
Bootstrap estimation and errorsbootstrap bootstrap.default bootstrap.mat fitted.bootstrap.mat print.bootstrap.mat print.fitted.bootstrap.mat print.residuals.bootstrap.mat resid.bootstrap.mat residuals.bootstrap.mat
Bootstrap estimation and errors for WA modelsbootstrap.wa print.bootstrap.wa
Bootstrap object descriptionbootstrapObject
Caterpillar plot of species' WA optima and tolerance range.caterpillar caterpillarPlot caterpillarPlot.default caterpillarPlot.wa
Select taxa (variables) on basis of maximum abundance attained and number of occurrences.chooseTaxa chooseTaxa.default
Close modern analoguescma cma.analog cma.default cma.mat cma.predict.mat plot.cma print.cma
Compare proxies across two data setscompare compare.default
Cross-validation of palaeoecological transfer function modelscrossval crossval.pcr crossval.wa print.crossval
Lattice density plot for residual lengthsdensityplot densityplot.residLen
Deshrinking techniques for WA transfer functionsdeshrink deshrinkPred
Extract dissimilarity coefficients from modelsdissim dissimilarities dissimilarities.analog dissimilarities.mat
Flexibly calculate dissimilarity or distance measuresdistance distance.default distance.join oldDistance oldDistance.default oldDistance.join
Number of samples per gradient segmentsevenSample
Fitted values for the training set from logistic regression modelsfitted.logitreg
Fused dissimilaritiesfuse fuse.dist fuse.matrix
Extract and set the number of analoguesgetK getK.bootstrap.mat getK.default getK.mat getK.predict.mat setK<- setK<-.default setK<-.mat
Positions of samples along a unit-length ordination gradient.gradientDist gradientDist.cca gradientDist.default gradientDist.prcurve
Histogram plot for residual lengthshist.residLen
Lattice histogram plot for residual lengthshistogram histogram.residLen
Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training setImbrieKipp Salinity SumSST V12.122 WinSST
Merge species data sets on common columns (species)head.join join tail.join
Logistic regression models for assessing analogues/non-analogueslogitreg logitreg.analog logitreg.default print.logitreg print.summary.logitreg summary.logitreg
Modern Analogue Technique transfer function modelsfitted.mat mat mat.default mat.formula print.fitted.mat print.mat print.residuals.mat resid.mat residuals.mat
Monte Carlo simulation of dissimilaritiesmcarlo mcarlo.analog mcarlo.default mcarlo.mat print.mcarlo
Extract minimum dissimilaritiesminDC minDC.analog minDC.default minDC.predict.mat minDC.wa print.minDC
Calculate Hill's N2 diversity measuren2 n2.default
Weighted averaging optima and tolerance optima optima.default print.optima print.tolerance tolerance.default
Loess smooths to stratigraphic diagramspanel.Loess
Panel function for stratigraphic diagramspanel.Stratiplot
Prinicpal component regression transfer function modelsChiSquare coef.pcr eigenvals.pcr fitted.pcr Hellinger pcr pcr.default pcr.formula performance.pcr print.pcr residuals.pcr screeplot.pcr
Transfer function model performance statisticsperformance performance.bootstrap.wa performance.crossval performance.predict.wa performance.wa print.performance
Plots the distribution of extracted dissimilaritiesplot.dissimilarities
Plot distribution of samples along gradientplot.evenSample
Produces plots of analogue logistic regression modelsplot.logitreg
Plot diagnostics for a mat objectplot.mat
Plot Monte Carlo simulated dissimilarity distributionsplot.mcarlo
Plot of minimum dissimilarity per sampleplot.minDC
Plot a fitted principal curve in PCA spacelines.prcurve plot.prcurve
Plot method for residual lengthsplot.residLen
Plot ROC curves and associated diagnosticsplot.roc
Plot species responses along gradients or latent variablesplot.sppResponse
Plot diagnostics for a weighted averaging modelplot.wa
North American Modern Pollen DatabaseBiome Climate Location Pollen
Fits a principal curve to m-dimensional datainitCurve prcurve print.prcurve
Posterior probability of analogue-ness for fossil samplespredict.logitreg
Predict method for Modern Analogue Technique modelspredict.mat print.predict.mat
Predicted values from a principal components regressionpredict.pcr
Predict new locations & fitted values on a principal curvefitted.prcurve predict.prcurve
Predict from a weighted average modelpredict.wa print.predict.wa
Rank correlation between environmental and species dissimilarities.dotplot dotplot.rankDC plot.rankDC print.rankDC rankDC
Stratigraphic plots of palaeoenvironmental reconstructionsreconPlot reconPlot.default reconPlot.predict.mat reconPlot.predict.wa
Squared residual length diagnosticsfittedY print.residLen residLen sqrlLinear sqrlUnimodal
Residuals of a principal curve fit.resid.prcurve residuals.prcurve
Round Loch of Glenhead Diatomsrlgh
Root mean square error of predictionRMSEP RMSEP.bootstrap.mat RMSEP.bootstrap.wa RMSEP.default RMSEP.mat
ROC curve analysisprint.roc print.summary.roc roc roc.analog roc.default roc.mat summary.roc
'scores' method for principal curve objects of class '"prcurve"'.scores.prcurve
Screeplots of model resultsscreeplot.bootstrap.mat screeplot.mat
Smoother plugin function for use in fitting a principal curvesmoothGAM smoothSpline
Select samples from along an environmental gradientsplitSample
Species responses along gradients.sppResponse sppResponse.prcurve
Standard error of MAT fitted and predicted valuesstdError stdError.mat stdError.predict.mat
Palaeoecological stratigraphic diagramsStratiplot Stratiplot.default Stratiplot.formula Stratiplot.matrix
Summarise analogue matching resultsprint.summary.analog summary.analog
Summarise bootstrap resampling for MAT modelsprint.summary.bootstrap.mat summary.bootstrap.mat
Summarise the extraction of close modern analoguesprint.summary.cma summary.cma
Summarise Modern Analogue Technique modelsprint.summary.mat summary.mat
Summarise MAT model predictionsprint.summary.predict.mat summary.predict.mat
SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training setswapdiat
SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training setswappH
Timetracks of change in species compositionfitted.timetrack plot.timetrack points.timetrack predict.timetrack print.timetrack scores.timetrack timetrack
Morphological data for ten taxa of the genus Tortulatortula
Common data transformations and standardizationstran tran.default tran.formula
Variance explained by ordination axesvarExpl varExpl.cca varExpl.default varExpl.prcurve
Weighted averaging transfer functionscoef.wa fitted.wa print.wa residuals.wa wa wa.default wa.formula waFit
Weighted correlation test of WA reconstructionplot.weightedCor print.weightedCor weightedCor weightedCor.default